Walk cycle progress

In today’s lesson I have finished all the animation blocking and I have tried to make it look good so I tweaked some of the positions and poses, so far it seems to be going well but I am not to happy with the outcome so far and the reasons why it does not look right […]

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Walk cycle progress

In today’s lesson I learned a lot about how a walk cycle works and how much of the body moves when you walk for example the shoulders and hips, having a reference helps a lot in trying to figure out how to properly animate a character and this then lets me experiment a bit more and […]

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Walk cycles

The first video is of a real person walking which is a great reference for animation if you are looking to make a realistic looking walk cycle for an animation and the animated walk cycle could help a more fun and unrealistic walk cycle happen but it could also a good reference point and maybe try […]

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Batch rendering animated short

In today’s lesson I worked a bit on my animation by adding more details and also a bit more character but today we learned mostly about batch rendering and how to do it properly do it. I had no problems with batch rendering my animated short except that I forgot to change what camera it was […]

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Animation progress

In today’s lesson I made a three-point light system for my animation to make it look nice and I also made an infinite white background, this was easy to make but it adds some much more character to the animation that it is worth spending ten minutes adding these small features in to make a […]

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Animatied short

Matt set us a project and that project was to make a 5-10 second animated short and the deadline is February 23rd and I decided to make my animated short about a chest that eats a key which is simple and I was able to put it into nearly 5 seconds long but I was short […]

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Batch render voxel character

In this lesson, I batch rendered my voxel character using a template with 3 point lighting to make it look good and the reason we are batch rendering our voxel characters animations is to make it easier to apply them to our 2D platformer game and this will also save time in the long run. I […]

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Sprite Sheets

In todays lesson I took my batch rendered pictures and put them into Photoshop and made sprite sheets for my platformer game so that it will be easier for me to apply the animations into the character once I go into Unity and start making the game. I had no problem in making any of these […]

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Animated short progress

Today in Matt’s lesson I started my animated short started and I also made the prop I needed for the animation and  I also started my blocking animation but was not quite finished with it, overall I am happy with the progress I am making but I feel like I could speed up a bit […]

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Animation ideas

Animation Ideas Today I started to plan out my animation using the character I made last week which was a chest inspired by dark souls and I have decided already on the storyboard. I am happy with everything so far and all I need to do now is start making the rest of the assets […]

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